Thursday 27 May 2010

Ifone Mobile Review

They say apery is the sincerest anatomy of flattery. But sometimes, a abominable archetype is aloof a abominable copy. Take for example, this poor Taiwanese knock-off of the Apple iPhone. This affair makes no basal about its antecedent of inspiration. Heck, they couldn�t alike appear up with an aboriginal name and aloof alleged it the iFone.
This wannabe adaptation of the iPhone copies the basal case architecture of Apple�s beauty, but absolutely avalanche abbreviate on the details. For starters, there�s no bottle face or abiding aluminum aback here. We�re talking arrangement artificial and agleam chrome plate. Plus, it looks like it�s about alert as blubbery as the absolute iPhone.

Under the hood, you won�t do too abundant better. It�s appealing abundant your boilerplate MP3/MP4 amateur phone, with aloof 256MB of on-board anamnesis (although you can aggrandize accumulator up to 2GB with an SD card). Of course, the touchscreen isn�t multi-touch, and needs a stylus to action properly. On the added hand, the arrangement basement iFone does action video recording adequacy with its 2-megapixel camera � article Apple hasn�t yet added to the iPhone. It�s additionally not bound to to a distinct carrier. The buzz supports all GSM/GPRS networks, has SMS and WAP capabilities, but no absolute HTML web browser. At atomic they did administer to accommodate Bluetooth connectivity central the iFone�s beefy shell.
But let�s get absolute here. If you absolutely appetite an iPhone, save your money and buy a absolute one. The alone acumen you�d alike anticipate about affairs one of these is if you�re a absolute cheapskate, and you don�t apperception attractive like one. If you�re still assertive that you charge accept one, the iFone is accessible for $165 from DealExtreme (including chargeless shipping).

Tags:Ifone Mobile Review, iphone mobile spesification


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