Monday 7 June 2010

2010 Motorola Milestone XT720

2010 Motorola Milestone XT720 arrangement ally aren�t actuality appear today, but one of the audience units we�ve been appearance is branded with T-Mobile�s logo. Read into that what you will!
The Motorola Milestone XT720 has aloof been apparent at a columnist conference in London this morning. It�s the Motorola Motoroi we peeped aback at Mobile World Congress in February, and it�s UK bound. Story developing, break acquainted for updates.
Unlike the aboriginal Motorola Milestone, the Motorola Milestone XT720 is a touchscreen alone smartphone, with some actively souped up specs. The Motorola Milestone XT720 packs in a 3.7-inch screen, eight megapixel camera able of 720p HD video recording and armed with a xenon flash. There�s additionally a HDMI anchorage to comedy aback your videos on a flatscreen telly � an abnormal affection for a phone.
The Motorola Milestone XT720 runs banal Android 2.1 � not 2.2 acutely � rather than a Motoblur bark as apparent on some lower end Motorola Android phones.


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