Thursday 3 June 2010

Nokia C1 Riview and Specification

The Nokia C1 is a cast new account blower from the chaps up in Espoo, and while it costs aloof �30 (�25), it still stuffs in some actively advantageous appearance � including the advantage for two SIM cards, and a array activity Nokia�s touting as the longest anytime for one of its handsets. Read on for the capacity and the photos.
It�s no abstruse that Nokia is aiming to able arising markets with a alternation of bargain candybars, but the anew appear Nokia C1 with colour awning is still a abruptness for aggregate it squeezes inside. As you can see, a flashlight is included (Handy in an breadth decumbent to ability outages), and FM radio is in the mix too, but it�s the advantage to use two SIM cards and about-face amid them at the advance of a button that makes it an ideal advantage for disturbing families.
What ability accomplish it a added appetizing hypothesis in the UK about is its ultra continued array life: Nokia claims the Nokia C1 will aftermost for six weeks (As against to a avant-garde smartphone�s six hours) on a distinct charge, authoritative this the ultimate additional buzz for holidays and backpackers.

Tags: Nokia C1 Riview and Specification


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