Saturday 5 June 2010

Nokia C5 Riview and Specification

The Nokia C5 looked set to be a adversary for appellation of world�s best account buzz back it was apparent beforehand this year, and now the phone�s begin its way to the UK, we�re about to acquisition out if it�s up to the challenge. See the Nokia C5 advancing out of its box appropriate here, and acquaint us what you appetite to apperceive for our review!
In case you absent the official actualization a few months ago, the Nokia C5 is a abbreviate candybar buzz with a low amount (�135 unlocked, about �120), but some top end smartphone features, including GPS, chargeless Ovi Maps aeronautics and Symbian S60 for apps aplenty.
NokNok has now managed to get its easily on a aircraft Nokia C5, and is appropriately impressed: body affection is complete and it zips about the airheaded and operating system.
That�s abundant news, as while we�ve not been huge admirers of Symbian S60 on top end touchscreen phones, it should be added than able of sucking bottomward aggregate you charge on a abbreviate buzz with a keypad � and at that amount we absolutely shouldn�t accept abundant to accuse about.

Tags: Nokia C5 Riview and Specification


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