Saturday 5 June 2010

Nokia C2 Riview and Specification

The Nokia C2 is a big aboriginal for the Finnish buzz peddler: it�s the company�s aboriginal accurate bifold SIM phone, so you can accept texts and calls from two altered numbers after the charge to about-face amid them. Read all about this ultra bargain candybar appropriate here, and see the photos!
The anew appear Nokia C1 has the advantage to tote two SIM cards at once, but you accept to manually about-face amid them. The Nokia C2 about appears to be the accurate bifold SIM buzz we heard rumours about aftermost year: it can be larboard on standby for both SIMs (One beneath the battery, one hot swappable).
For arising markets, that agency the Nokia C2 can be acclimated by a accomplished family, authoritative it a actively bargain way to break in touch, abnormally back the buzz will advertise unsubsidised for aloof �45 (�37). It could additionally be acclimated to abode both a assignment and claimed SIM card, if you adopt to accumulate the numbers separate.

Tags: Nokia C2 Riview and Specification


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